Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Finale!

3 things I learned..
  •  Karl Marx was the leading mind on communism
  • The ism's were brought about to correct the Industrial Revolution
  • Henry Ford invented the assembly line
2 things I found interesting..
  • Communism isn't as bad as it is made out to be
  • The concept of Utilitarianism (things only matter if they benefit a majority of the people)
1 question I still have..
  • Why would people rush to England to be put under those hard working conditions and poor living spaces to barely make enough for anything?

Connection Across Time

  • money is invested in business ventures by anyone with the hope of making a profit this economic structure involves no government interference 
  • the United States of America is a capitalist country as well as Ireland, UK, France, Portugal, Spain, Belgium, The Netherlands, Luxembourg, Germany, Italy, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Malta, Cyprus, Austria, The Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Hungary, Slovenia, Romania, Bulgaria, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Greece. (to name a few haha!)


  • The original plan for communism was that everyone would be equal and have the same amount of things as anyone else because the "have-not's" were being exploited by the "have's"with everyone being paid the same amount of money and having enough to meet their needs there would be no crime because everyone would be worth the same amount of money and the government would fall away and there would be a classless society
  • I absolutely think that this would work, but it would be the greedy that would ruin it. As long as there was no power hungry ruler to keep everything for himself and use this type of socioeconomic structure only to his benefit then it could work and it might end up being a Utopian society.

Current Invention

Motorized Wheelchairs
The first successfully working electric wheelchair was invented by Dr. George Klein the 1950's for World War II veterans that sustained injuries and were no longer able to walk. The Canadian shared his invention with the US and the rest of the world because he was committed to helping not only his countrymen but everyone else too. this has a connection to the Industrial Revolution because the Induction Electric Motor was invented by Nikola Tesla in 1888.

Invention #3

The Cotton Gin
Invented by Eli Whitney out of the need for pure cotton without the small hard to find seeds and the outer shell. Slaves would be outside from dawn till dusk picking cotton and by the end of the day they were expected to have about 150-200 pounds of cotton when the day was done. A plantation could have any where from 20 to hundreds of slaves so the amount of time it would take to remove the seeds from the cotton would be very long and laborious. his invention helped the world out because the slave owners would have more cotton to sell in a smaller amount of time.

Invention #2

Morse Code

At a time when mail was too slow, and there was no such thing as a telephone, the telegraph came in very handy. There was one problem though, just about every state had a different language. How are you to conduct a large business if you cant even communicate with anyone across the state border? Samuel F. B. Morse had just the solution. In 1836 he took it upon himself to unite the country under one language, Morse Code. Revolutionizing the world because people could now understand the messages they received and who knows how many messages if not delivered would have changed this country forever.

Invention #1

The Sewing Machine
Elias Howe invented the first practical sewing machine in 1844. During a time when fast production was first born and demand was high. it changed the world because it could now do the job of 5 seamstresses and the stitches would be consistent, even, and a lot more durable.
